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How detergent kills you slowly

Allergy to Laundry Detergent

How detergent kills you slowly

Did you know that the clothes you wear could be harmful to your health? Your regular laundry detergents can contain harmful chemicals that could cause negative health effects, from skin and throat irritation to carcinogenicity, the dangers are real. The only way to avoid these harmful chemicals is to educate yourself on what you should and should not purchase. This is the best way to look after yourself and your family.

Laundry detergent is something you use weekly and wear on a daily basis. The chemicals remain in your clothes even after a wash cycle and can penetrate your skin, body, and organs.

Photo of skin allergy caused by chemical found in laundry detergent

Common harmful chemicals found in laundry detergent

One of the commonly used harmful chemical in detergent is optical brighteners. It emits blue light, and make whites appear whiter by tricking the eye. These brighteners remain in clothes long after wash and may cause skin irritation. The residue decomposes slowly and can be toxic to marine life. Read more about other common chemicals below:

Harmful chemicals found in laundry detergent by Dr. Lam Coaching

Is there an alternative?

To protect your health, it’s time to consider alternatives. Start by clearing your house of all products that might be affecting your health, and replace them with some natural alternative here:

Natural alternatives to laundry detergent

Fabric softener

Fabric softener are made from chemicals like quats and phthalates, which are linked to several health problems, including skin allergy, asthma, cancer, and developmental issues.

The easiest home made fabric softener is the use of plain white vinegar in the final rinse. Add 1/2 to 1 cup of white vinegar (depend on the load size). Vinegar is cheap, non toxic and effective.

Stain remover

Create a paste with six table spoons of baking soda and 1/3 cup of warm water. Rub the paste into the stain and let it sit. The baking soda will work to lift the stain from the clothes.


Most laundry fragrances contain harmful chemicals, with “fragrance” often encompassing around 100 different chemical ingredients, some of which can cause endocrine disruption and allergies. To add fragrance naturally, add two to three drops of good quality essential oils to your laundry, or try Naturali Laundry Detergent Sheets, which contain 100% natural essential oils.

No more detergent

If you want to avoid the use of laundry detergent altogether, consider using Naturali Reusable Laundry Pyramids. These pyramids contain 100% natural magnesium and are ten times more effective at removing odors than regular detergent, which often relies on fragrances to cover up odors without effectively eliminating them.

Make informed choices for a healthier lifestyle by using safe alternatives for laundry. Don’t let harmful chemicals affect you or your family and take control of your laundry routine.


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